Welcome to St. Croix Church!

We are glad that you are here. Whether you visit for one or two weeks or stay for years, whether you come to services on a regular basis or just hang out at parties and social events, you are welcome. ♥


We are glad that you are here. Whether you visit for one or two weeks or stay for years, whether you come to services on a regular basis or just hang out at parties and social events, you are welcome.


Welcome to
St. Croix Church

We are glad that you are here. Whether you visit for one or two weeks or stay for years, whether you come to services on a regular basis or just hang out at parties and social events, you are welcome.




► Early (Celtic) Service at 9:30 am in the Café upstairs. A casual liturgy around tables and chairs, communion offered weekly. (Come early for coffee/muffins; once a month you can join by Zoom)
► Second (Contemporary) Service at 10:30am in the main hall downstairs. A mix of music, prayer, children’s story, coffee time and teaching. (Second Sunday of the month = ‘Second Breakfast Potluck; last Sunday of the month = Communion Liturgy)

Come and join us at the Victoria Street Centre

Latest Messages

Fraggle RockTalks
July 23, 2024

Resilience is Messy (& so are we)

Jess Williams reflects on impulses she noticed in herself through a recent experience of asking her friends for help cleaning out her house, and found out she wasn't alone. She points out how vulnerable it is to let others into your mess, even when that's what you need most. Then…
July 14, 2024

Timebanking (Second Breakfast)

Mayara and Lorna share the concept of Timebanking, an exchange of skills based on the belief that every person is of value and has something to offer. They are excited to see how Timebanking can build a stronger, more connected community in St. Stephen, and invite and welcome your participation!
the Witness BlanketTalks
July 7, 2024

The Connection of Witness & Resilience

Pulling from the lectionary readings and our current teaching theme, Wendy VanderWal Martin offered a beautiful teaching on the significance of 'witness' and how bearing witness to one another (and to our own lives) as we truly are and in ways that assure us we are seen, known, and loved,…
empty bench by a treeTalks
June 30, 2024

Grief and Transfiguration

This week Renate pointed out references in the lectionary that help us see how we can be transfigured when trust helps us find our way through grief - a powerful addition to our "Roots of Resilience" theme!
Thanks to the efforts of Hayden Wiebe, Helen Soucoup, Jess Williams and others, our building is getting to be full of life more of the week! We’ve got new tenants and lots of new signage going up. Are you interested in using our centre?
Here’s who is sharing our space:


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