Monthly Archives

May 2017

Human Trafficking

By Talks

Human Trafficking / May 28, 2017

We were honoured to have Helen Sworn, executive director of Chab Dai in Phnom Penh, share with us this morning about her journey and the work of this amazing organization. ‘Chab Dai is committed to working together with diverse stakeholders to abolish all forms of abuse and exploitation.’ Unfortunately, the recording didn’t work but you can check out the website here.

to the SCV podcasts in iTunes.

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Encountering God in Nature

By Talks

       May 21

Walter Thiessen continued the series (usually 3rd Sundays of the month) on practical training by sending everyone out into the woods for a walk with a few invitations for how to approach that time. (Those who were willing to give up their break made it out to the Elm St. Nature Park, five minutes away.) Then we regathered for Psalm 104 and some reflections on what the time outside made possible.

to the SCV podcasts in iTunes.

View the Powerpoint presentation hereFree PowerPoint Viewer


The Zimbabways

By Talks

       May 14

Walter Thiessen interviews Jeff and Carol Way about their time at Eden Children’s Village in Zimbabwe and their hopes and dreams for a future there (follow along on the powerpoint to see some of their pictures).

to the SCV podcasts in iTunes.

View the Powerpoint presentation hereFree PowerPoint Viewer


Where Your Treasure Is

By Talks

       May 7

Walter Thiessen shares a primer on some of the main biblical principles on economics as a foundation for a main point that the main invitation is to let go – to avoid “possessing” stuff so that our stuff doesn’t possess us.

to the SCV podcasts in iTunes.

View the Powerpoint presentation hereFree PowerPoint Viewer
