Monthly Archives

August 2017


By Talks

       August 27

Walter Thiessen wonders if devotion – the intersection of love/dedication/commitment – is a piece sometimes missing from contemporary spirituality. He conducts an experiment to see how “God” (in this case Colin) needs to move around in order to help a blindfolded Joel to walk the path toward Goodness and Compassion. Are we devoted to the One who calls us toward Goodness/Compassion and do we feed that devotion through regular practices?

to the SCV podcasts in iTunes.

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Music as Meditation: Deep Listening

By Talks

       August 20

This was a training service (we do something different and more hands-on each month on the third Sunday). Today Rick Coates shared information about Deep Listening and led us through a couple of small meditation exercises. The first one was with relative silence (aside from a noisy fan!) and the second one was with a piece of electronic music that he has composed.

is the music from the first part of the service.

to the SCV podcasts in iTunes.

View the Powerpoint presentation hereFree PowerPoint Viewer


Not Condemned

By Talks

       August 13

Peter Fitch continues to think about John, chapter 3. In this talk, he continues to speak about an on-going dance of participation with God that he believes is available for all humans. He defines “belief” as “acting in accordance with.” Others spoke up and connected this with the idea of trust. He sees people who follow Jesus’s example of letting go of fear-inspired power and walking in love as people who believe in Jesus, no matter what their words or thoughts about Him might be.

to the SCV podcasts in iTunes.

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Invitation to a Journey

By Talks

       August 6


Peter Fitch speaks once more about the dance between Spirit and flesh. He tries to explain why the concept of being “born again” led to an unhealthy path of seeing some people as less than human. He likes the idea of being “born from above” better as it implies an on-going dance between God and people all over the world. Then he speaks about various maps that people have given to try to describe spiritual growth.




to the SCV podcasts in iTunes.

View the Powerpoint presentation hereFree PowerPoint Viewer
