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November 2017

Longing for Righteousness

By Talks

       November 26

Peter Fitch continues his look at the Beatitudes by examining Matthew 5:6, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.” Near the beginning, he asks Leland Maerz, a narrative therapist from Nova Scotia who works with victims and perpetrators of sexual violence, to share a little about his work. Then Peter returns to speak about his hope for a new paradigm that might be called Beyond Supremacy. Along the way he draws from a skit on Saturday Night Live, a few of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s last words and, especially, from Bryan Stevenson’s book, Just Mercy.

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Morning Prayer 5.6

By Talks

       November 19

Walter Thiessen describes how various parts of SCV’s Celtic (or “Early”) Service, which began ten years ago guided largely by Joel Mason and Katie Gorrie, has been a great example of being “anchored with wings.” At the end, several folks shared their own examples of how the early service has helped them.

Link to Celtic Service

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Blessed are the Meek

By Talks

       November 12

Discontent with many of the messages that come from churches these days, Peter Fitch decides to focus on teachings that come from Jesus Himself. Here he looks at the first few Beatitudes from Matthew’s Sermon on the Mount. This talk includes ideas about poverty of spirit, the importance of suffering and, especially, the quality of gentleness or meekness. Other voices that are presented come from Aristotle, William Barclay, Desmond Tutu, Khalil Gibran, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, Thich Nhat Hanh, and Pirke Avot (the core of Judaic wisdom). Of course, there are also thoughtful ideas from people who were in attendance.

Subscribe to the SCV podcasts in iTunes.

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Voices from Exile

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       November 5

David Moore listed 7 different groups that he sees as having been marginalized in our society. He concentrated this talk on the first one: Women. David gave historical insight regarding women’s rights and wondered about how to make the world more just for women. Gradually this talk opened the door for people to share some of their “#Me too” experiences. This resulted in one of the most authentic and meaning-filled discussion times in recent memory.

Subscribe to the SCV podcasts in iTunes.

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Anchored with Wings

By Talks

Anchored with Wings/ Atlantic Vineyard Gathering November 3-4, 2017

David Moore, Peter Fitch, and David Ruis gave talks at a conference we hosted over this past weekend (November 3 & 4). David Moore spoke about the importance of hearing and learning from minority voices, and the need to let our own voices be heard. Peter Fitch spoke about imagining a vision of non-exclusionary Christianity, and David Ruis gave a talk from Colossians about how he hopes the Canadian Vineyard can posture itself.

Links to talks and powerpoints:

David Moore –

      Speaking for the Other

Peter Fitch – 

      Imagining a Vision for Non-exclusive Christianity

David Ruis  –

  – pdf  – keynote