Monthly Archives

September 2018

Radical Inclusion

By Talks

      September 30

Brad Jersak finds a wonderful way to synthesize the Scriptural messages about radical inclusion, on the one hand, and the importance of Jesus, on the other. He thinks that all people, from all religions, who are devoted to God and desire to do good, are approved by Him. The special gift that Jesus brings is teaching us how to call God “Abba.” He brings about an intimacy with the Spirit of God that can fill our lives to the brim.

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Psalm 51

By Talks

      September 23

Karen Petersen continues the Priceless Psalm Series by discussing Psalm 51. This leads to wrestling with the concept of “sin” and wondering how to understand it in a way that will help with transformation rather than add to our sense of condemnation and shame. She includes this video from the Gospel of John to help make the point

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Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

By Talks

      September 16

Agnes Kramer-Hamstra gives a wonderful talk about two different ways that we can read Psalm 139. One version squelches life and the other awakens it. She sees this psalm as a smaller story within the great story of creation at the beginning of Genesis, and makes it come to life. Agnes is a professor of English Literature at St. Stephen’s University and listening to this talk felt like living inside a poem–it is beautifully delivered.

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Looking Through

By Talks


      September 9

Peter Fitch talk today is on Psalm 25. He looks at the psalm for clues about how we ought to look at God as we approach Him and at how he hopes God looks at us. Then he uses some ideas from Simone Weil to explain the “magic” of transference that can happen to purify our souls if we come to God in these sorts of ways.

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Priceless Psalms/ Who May Ascend

By Talks


      September 2

Peter Fitch continues the Priceless Psalm Series by focusing on Psalm 24. He first asks people what they see in the passage. Then he discusses possible positive and negative postures or attitudes in worship that the words of the psalm might evoke. There was a lot of conversation around these ideas and it all builds toward an interesting conclusion.   ( Link to YouTube video, at the start of talk )

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