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August 2019

Anothen and Starstuff

By Talks

Anothen and Starstuff/ August 25, 2019

Today Renate Gritter spoke about her name. It comes from the Latin for “rebirth” and she has an unusual take on the famous passage in John 3 where Jesus speaks to Nicodemus about being born again. She speaks about the way the term has often been used in churches as a problem in that it doesn’t recognize the beauty that is in all people and all of creation as well as it ought to do.

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Theology of Party

By Talks

Theology of Party/ August 18, 2019

This was the week of the Bonfire Festival in St. Stephen, hosted mainly by people from SCV. Peter Fitch begins this talk by giving some of the history and by harvesting reflections about the event. Then he asks why things like this are worth doing and he shares some of the factors that turned SCV from a more traditional Christian perspective toward an alternative vision that valued the making of “powerful moments” for everyone who wanted to be included.

Subscribe to the SCV podcasts in iTunes.

View the Powerpoint presentation hereFree PowerPoint Viewer

August Second Breakfast

By Talks

August Second Breakfast / August 11, 2019

At this Sunday’s “Second Breakfast,” Walter led conversation about what 
kinds of topics and questions people had for leaders or for shared 
conversation. Here’s the handout in case you want to join and email your 
thoughts to

** No recording this week, table discussions.

Seeking Wisdom

By Talks

Seeking Wisdom / August 4, 2019

Peter Fitch talks about things that we can learn about gaining wisdom from God and each other by focusing on the trial and death of Socrates and the first chapter of James in the New Testament. Then he shares an important idea from C. S. Lewis and tells an early SCV story to explain a guiding principle in our community: it is appropriate to have a very great confidence that God will breathe through communities that take the time to wait on God’s Presence.

Subscribe to the SCV podcasts in iTunes.

View the Powerpoint presentation hereFree PowerPoint Viewer