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September 2019

Good vs Real

By Talks

Good vs Real/ September 29, 2019

Eden Jersak self-professed “Good Girl”, shares at SCV on why its way more important to be real than good. Having spent 40 years “being good”, she was surprised to find that God considered her a friend, and asked “When did that happen?” The answer was this, “When you stopped being good and started being real!” If you want to be a more authentic version of yourself, you might like to have a listen.

Link to Alanis Morissette – That I Would Be Good
Link to Sorry for your Troubles – Padraig O’Tuama

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By Talks

Home/ September 22, 2019

Wendy Gritter, national director of Generous Space Ministries (, gives a powerful talk about essential qualities of “home”, something we all long for. At the end, she asks people what makes SCV seem like a home to them. The answers may be too soft to hear in some cases but they were all pretty wonderful. This talk is thoughtful, funny, and poignant, all at the same time.

Subscribe to the SCV podcasts in iTunes.

View the Powerpoint presentation hereFree PowerPoint Viewer

Unformed and Unfilled

By Talks

Unformed and Unfilled/ September 15, 2019

Peter Fitch shares some of the wonderful lessons he has learned from Genesis 1. Paying attention to archaeological and literary discoveries from the ancient Near-East, he explains why Genesis is not in contradiction to the teachings of modern science. He also speaks about the revolutionary nature of the Bible’s message as it presents the idea of humans being formed in the “image and likeness” of God. Talk about high-callings!

Subscribe to the SCV podcasts in iTunes.

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September Second Breakfast

By Talks

September Second Breakfast / September 8, 2019

On the second Sunday of each month, we gather for breakfast and discussion in smallish groups around tables. This week, Joy Benson Green, led the time. She integrated all ages into the groups, then asked the 6 groups present to work together to create a sound using something she gave them or instructed them to do. Rick Coates recorded a 15 second sound bite from each group and then, in about 25 minutes, created a piece of electronic music that was composed entirely of sounds from this experiment. We don’t have a recording of the session, but we do have a link to the music. Here it is, with a little more polish that Rick added later. 2nd Breakfast Sounds

** No recording this week, table discussions.

We’re Expecting!

By Talks

We’re Expecting!/ September 1, 2019

Referring to the story of Mary and the angel, Gabriel, Peter Fitch riffs on the idea of “pregnancy.” Then, using Gerald May’s book, Addiction and Grace, he speaks about the new birth that is needed to overcome obstacles in our lives. He adds a bit from Victor Frankl, as well, to talk about courage and where it comes from. Check out the powerpoint while you are listening.

Subscribe to the SCV podcasts in iTunes.

View the Powerpoint presentation hereFree PowerPoint Viewer