Monthly Archives

November 2020

Still Isolating

By Talks

Since we have moved back to Orange Level of pandemic risk involvement, we have decided to refrain from physical gatherings once more. Today, in this short video, Peter reads a few Scriptures and a poem by Rainer Maria Rilke as he forms a meditation about the importance of active waiting when we find ourselves in the midst of crises. After listening to the talk, we suggest clicking on this link to take in “I Will Wait” by Mumford and Sons, performing at Red Rocks, outside of Denver, Colorado. After that, it would be good to listen once more to one of the songs from last week, “One Day” by Matisyahu.

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Orange is Back

By Talks

We decided to cancel in-person services while our area is in the Orange Level of virus risk. Today Peter posts a short meditation based on Scripture and a poem by Rumi to encourage honest feelings and hope in the midst of the chaos in the world and in our lives. We are also posting two beautiful videos that we watched last week in David Moore’s church services. One, is by a Muslim singer and one is by a Jewish singer. We recommend watching Forgotten Promises by Sami Yusuf first, and then following that with One Day by Matisyahu.

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Longing for the Beautiful

By Talks

Jessica Williams speaks poignantly about her longing for a bigger God than the one she was given in early life or at Bible College or as an adult in evangelical churches. She wants a God that is big enough to reject violence and manipulation and who is just as present for the marginalized as He/She is for those who are not marginalized in a society or a church.

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Lament and Courage

By Talks

Walter Thiessen prepared his sermon in the middle of the night after the US election, after he (mistakenly – he blames CBC) thought Trump had won. While the news cleared up that misunderstanding, he went ahead with that theme anyway.

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Confidence on the Path

By Talks

Today Peter Fitch spoke again from 1 John 3. He looked at the last part of the chapter. He thinks the author is identifying ways to know that you’ve made a good choice in life, that you’re on a good path. Lots of people chimed in and shared their ideas about how to be confident in the decisions that have been made.

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