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April 2023

daisy in the sunlight

Life In It’s Fullness

By Talks

Rachael asks how we do justice to the complexity of life in the way we hear this Sunday’s lectionary Bible readings and their visions of “Life In All Its Fullness,” and how we might live into these visions while reconciling them with “Life As It Really Is.”

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robin singing

Humility Re-Imagined

By Talks

This morning, Marilyn Orr talked about the ways that we have often misunderstood humility, especially when it comes to teaching women in the church, and how true humility means accepting our strengths and our voice.

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mary magdalene painting

Love Overcomes (Easter Sunday)

By Talks

In this Easter Homily, Jess Williams reflects on how a faith that centres on resurrection requires us to face the reality of death and all its anguish. Looking at Jesus’ teaching in John 12:25-27, she suggests that to walk in Jesus’ steps is to “let go of life as it is, reckless in your love” and willing to lose it all.

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