Fall Groups and Activities:

Neighbourhood Works (Thursdays)
We’d love to prepare & serve a few community suppers at Neighbourhood Works this fall/winter, but first we need to make sure we have enough volunteers to cover the workload involved. The meals will be on a Thursday, and the cooking begins at 2pm. You can volunteer as a cook (2pm-5pm) or come to serve the meal and help with cleanup (5pm-7pm). Please contact Carol Thiessen for more information, or if you’d like to be involved.

Song Circle (4th Tuesdays)
Bring an instrument (which includes your hands for clapping and your toes for tapping) and a favourite song or two, and join us for a relaxed hour of sharing music of all styles together. 4th Tuesday each month starting September 26th, at 7pm. Main Hall or Café. Hosted by Pamela Manzer

Writers Circle (2nd Tuesdays)
Bring a piece a writing you’ve been working on and gather with an encouraging and constructive circle of writers who will listen to and engage with your work. 2nd Tuesday of each month starting October 10th at 7pm. Main Hall or Café. Hosted by Jess Williams

Contemplation in Community (TBA – October)
For a small group of people interested in exploring together four “contemplative signposts” on the path of inner transformation. Our time together will involve experiencing and discussing contemplative practices that help us to “Slow, Stop, Notice, and Open,” and get to know one another through sharing and listening to each other’s stories and experiences. Four weeks/ weekday evenings in October. Hosted by Rachael Barham

Worship Space (Friday, Oct. 20)
An un-rushed time and space to connect with God through music and song. 
Friday, October 20th at 7pm. Main Hall. Hosted by Marilyn Orr & Donna Dunsmore *If you are interested in being part of a live worship-team contact Marilyn, Donna, or Teena

Loving Enemies in an Age of Polarization (TBA, November)
A group for input, exercises and discussion on loving and listening to those with different ideas. Three to four weeknights in November. Hosted by Walter Thiessen

Volunteers cooking supper at Neighbourhood Works