
A Grounded Community

By May 3, 2020 May 26th, 2020 No Comments

A Grounded Community/ May 3, 2020

Peter Fitch continues the study on James (James 2:14-26). The first half of chapter 2 taught about a “higher” way of doing things. The new community is to be “spiritual.” Everyone belongs and people are not to be treated as better than others. God is real in the community. However, this portion, the second half of the chapter, gives an important corrective: real spirituality does not remove us from ordinary life; instead, it infuses real life with strength and desire to act, to care for others in practical ways.

Lindsay and Teena have gathered a playlist together of an assortment of songs well loved by our community. You can listen on Apple Music or Spotify  and Google Music. Enjoy! 

(video recording link above picture / audio podcast link below)

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