
Celebrating Community

By October 22, 2017 May 27th, 2020 No Comments


       October 22

Today we highlighted some wonderful things that have grown out of or around our community. Matt Balcarras talked about his new book on hidden stories of peace-making in the lower mainland of BC. Then we featured our main event, a description of The Gathering by Geordie Hull. This involves a monthly meal with music and fun for lower income folks in our area that has been going on for about 17 years. It also has a store with excellent items at fractional prices. After this, Haydn Wiebe shared some of the vision that led him to start the monthly Coffee House and he sang a song as a sample of what happens there. Then Raymond Funk spoke about the community garden and Alex Henderson described a new initiative in post-service, non-crazy, healing prayer. Walter Thiessen finished the time with a Brendan prayer that is sometimes used in the Celtic service. Somehow it all flowed together, and everything seemed full of life.

Here is a link to the picture powerpoint of The Gathering.

to the SCV podcasts in iTunes.

View the Powerpoint presentation hereFree PowerPoint Viewer
