
Holding On

By March 13, 2022 No Comments

Walter Thiessen recalls how important it is for us to find meaningful, familiar and emotionally rich things to hold onto even as we need to keep using our heads about “letting go” of the systemic
problems that get in the way of institutions and traditions being compassionate and just. He ended with a loose paraphrase of the “armour of God” that you can download.

Click here for today’s notes.

Videos from today:

Celtic Worship – Be Thou My Vision

Hollow Coves -Blessings

Steve Bell – The Lorica


Subscribe to the SCC  podcasts. (St. Croix Church in Apple Podcasts)

There is a playlist of an assortment of songs well loved by our community. You can listen on Apple Music or Spotify  . Enjoy! 

Keep checking our Facebook group, St. Croix Church, for all the latest updates. We are also on Instagram as stcroixchurch