
Listening In Community (2nd Breakfast)

By February 12, 2023 February 19th, 2023 No Comments
baby ducks rest on rock in water

This week we introduced a new Second Breakfast theme that centres on listening. To get us started (after feasting on light breakfast and delicious coffee together), Rachael and Lorna helped us think about what it means to listen in community…in all it’s imperfect glory. You can listen to Rachael’s talk below, as well as Lorna’s instructions that got our rich table-time discussions flowing. If you’d like to hear those discussions, we’d love you to come join us for 2nd Breakfast on the second Sunday each month!

Subscribe to the SCC  podcasts. (St. Croix Church in Apple Podcasts)

Keep checking our Facebook group, St. Croix Church, for all the latest updates. We are also on Instagram as stcroixchurch