
Love Overcomes (Easter Sunday)

By April 10, 2023 No Comments
mary magdalene painting

In this Easter Homily, Jess Williams reflects on how a faith that centres on resurrection requires us to face the reality of death and all its anguish. Looking at Jesus’ teaching in John 12:25-27, she suggests that to walk in Jesus’ steps is to “let go of life as it is, reckless in your love” and willing to lose it all. “Unless a grain of wheat is buried in the ground, dead to the world, it is never any more than a grain of wheat. But if it is buried, it sprouts and reproduces itself many times over.” Jn. 12:23

In the spirit of Mary Magdalene and the women of the resurrection, several others bore witness to the ways they’ve seen love overcome death throughout the service. You can listen to all of them by watching the whole service, made complete by incredible music from Hayden, Moriah & friends. It was beautiful to behold. Christ is risen. Love lives!

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