
Perfect Love

By January 31, 2021 No Comments

Peter Fitch speaks about 1 John 4:15-21. He talks about several ideas he sees in this passage. The main thing he considers has to do with the Nag Hammadi texts that were discovered in 1945 after being hidden since the 4th century. Some of the writings present Jesus in a different way than does the author of this letter. This demonstrates that there was a diversity of belief about Jesus in the early church, and it may be helpful for us to ask questions about where the truth lies. Ultimately, though, the most important part of the passage has to do with securing our souls in the sense that we’re loved so that we can, in turn, do our best to give that security to others.

After listening to the talk, this song, Show the Way by David Wilcox is a good follow-on.

And this Pierce Pettis cover of God Believes in You by Carolyn Arends would be good after that.

Click here for the talk notes.

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Lindsay and Teena created a playlist of an assortment of songs well loved by our community. You can listen on Apple Music or Spotify  and Google Music. Enjoy! 

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