Welcome to St. Croix Church!

We are glad that you are here. Whether you visit for one or two weeks or stay for years, whether you come to services on a regular basis or just hang out at parties and social events, you are welcome. ♥


We are glad that you are here. Whether you visit for one or two weeks or stay for years, whether you come to services on a regular basis or just hang out at parties and social events, you are welcome.


Welcome to
St. Croix Church

We are glad that you are here. Whether you visit for one or two weeks or stay for years, whether you come to services on a regular basis or just hang out at parties and social events, you are welcome.




► Early (Celtic) Service at 9:30 am in the Café upstairs. A casual liturgy around tables and chairs, communion offered weekly. (Come early for coffee/muffins; occasionally you can join by Zoom, let us know if you’re interested)
► Second (Contemporary) Service at 10:30am in the main hall downstairs. A mix of music, prayer, children’s story, coffee time and teaching. (Second Sunday of the month = ‘Second Breakfast Potluck; last Sunday of the month = Communion Liturgy)

Come and join us at the Victoria Street Centre

Latest Messages

budding crocusTalks
March 9, 2025

Lent: Making Space for Life

On the first Sunday of Lent, Lorna and Rachael shared some thoughts about life-giving ways to see and approach the Lenten practice of giving something up. Then we were all invited to individual reflection on what might be cluttering our inner lives and what we’d like to welcome into a…
March 2, 2025

What To Do In the Desert

This Sunday, Marilyn Orr helped us think about what happens when we spend time in the desert and away from the busyness of ordinary life, and to consider the difference between chosen wilderness times and times we do not choose -- like the 40 years the Israelites wandered in the…
February 23, 2025

Seeking Ancient Wisdom for These Days

Rachael brings back her (made-up!) translations of the Bible - the Trigger Fest Version (TFV) and the Transformational Wisdom Version (TWV) - to name toxic interpretations of Psalm 37 and then, as a community, to seek within it ancient wisdom to help us to live wisely and lovingly in these troubling days.
February 16, 2025

On Wilderness & Wandering (or losing your way and finding yourself)

Jess continues our teaching theme with some reflections on the wilderness and how different turning points in life invite us to leave the path we know in pursuit of something deeper/truer, even when the way is unclear and the journey leads us away from the familiar and into the unknown.
As of November 1, 2024, Deanna Rose is our new Victoria St. Centre Facilitator! Are you interested in using our centre?
Here’s who is sharing our space:


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