The St. Croix Courier posted an article on SCC:

“St. Croix Church Offers Non-Traditional Christianity”


In early December, Jess and Walter were interviewed by Jake Boudrot, expecting a paragraph in an article on “churches in the area” and were pleasantly surprised by this article on SCC as an example of “non-traditional” Christianity. Give it a read and let us know what you think!


[We trust that the Smiths and Josh Hyslop won’t mind that the Courier dug up an old pic from the Bonfire Music Festival to represent us 🙂 ]

New: SCC Blog

Some ruins and a Celtic cross and the sea beyond

“Send us on our way with your peace” – Parting Blessings

Our main liturgy has used a beloved version of St. Patrick’s Breastplate (from the Northumbria community) for many years now as a blessing prayer before the closing. It seemed hard to imagine that we could find something different for the Alternate Liturgy that had a similar depth and beauty. Then…
Communion is celebrated under olive trees

“Welcome to the Table” – A focus on participation in love

(Exploring the Alternate Liturgy, Pt. 5) The centrepiece of the Celtic Service is a weekly time of Communion (or Eucharist). In both our main and alternate liturgies, we’ve avoided the standard “words of institution” just as we’ve avoided hierarchical and formulaic means that may be supposed to determine any “validity”…
Linocut by Helen Soucoup - a figure has arms and cradling hands around a smaller figure by a stream with trees and a house

“Loving God in Whom Is Heaven” – a poetic Lord’s Prayer

(Exploring the Alternate Liturgy, Pt. 4) For the prayer and intercession section of our Alternate Liturgy, we had a bit of a dilemma. We weren’t sure that we wanted to lose the traditional element of including “The Lord’s Prayer,” but we wanted something fresher and more inclusive. I found something…

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SCC – 3rd Quarter Financial Report (to Sept. 30, 2024)

By Finance

Here is a link to the 3rd Quarter Financial Report. This report compares our actual income and expenses up to September 30, 2024 and compares it with the budget passed at our last AGM. Some of you will recall that last year’s 3rd quarter report was a bit grim. This year, while our donations are lower than budgeted, our expenses are also lower, and so we’re currently showing a very small deficit – a much better picture than the deficit we were showing at this point last year. Our fourth quarter is typically our strongest quarter, and so now is the time to please invest in the opportunities that this community has to serve the town and each other as we wrap up the year. An optimistic year end will enable us to plan with creativity for how we serve the community and town in 2025.

If you have any questions about finances at SCC, please talk with Walter, Jess or Rosie anytime.

We’re also working on reducing our bank fees, and one important way of doing this is to encourage people to switch from direct deposit of donations to a scheduled e-transfer that most banks will do for free. Please connect with Rosie if you would like help in how to do this. Here are some different options for giving.

Remember: the easiest ways to give is to e-transfer to

A Birthday and Transitions

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who came out to help celebrate our 30th Birthday last week. It was a special gathering all around, and we had a chance to share our immense gratitude and appreciation for Peter and Mary Ellen Fitch who have led us these past 30 years.

Now, we’d love to see you joining us as we take a step into a new season as a community.

30th party

Join Us As We Leave


We’re grateful to all who joined us for our leaving (from the Vineyard). We no longer maintain the website with the 1300 signatories who joined us, but here is a letter that was sent to all those who joined with us at that time. So grateful to Jackets Creative for making this beautiful platform for us.