Contemporary Service

SCC is a church community located in St. Stephen, New Brunswick, Canada. Services are held on Sunday mornings. There are also various groups or events at different times throughout most weeks.

Sunday services are informal, and everyone is welcome. The “Contemporary Service” is our larger service in the main hall. Our most regular teachers are Jess Williams, Walter Thiessen, and Rachael Barham, but quite a few women and men share their thoughts from time to time. Some messages can be serious and touching; others are light-hearted and fun. There are usually questions or comments and, at times, banter from the rest of the crowd.

At the end of most services there are opportunities to sing, pray, or chat.

Celtic (Early) Service

Sunday mornings, upstairs in the café
9:15 am: coffee/tea and muffins
9:30 am: Celtic liturgy (40 minutes)
(Occasionally Zoom is available if you let us know on our Facebook Group. Join our Facebook group for info.)

Since 2007, a smaller, early service has been meeting in a style we refer to as Celtic – mostly because we identify with this tradition’s valuing of the informal use of liturgy.

We alternate between two liturgies that draw on our own creativity as well as Celtic communities like Iona and Northumbria, modeled on a contemplative approach that engages positively with culture. We hope the liturgy can create a beautiful and consistent framework that will allow the meaning of the words to soak into us as we grow more and more familiar with them over time. Within the form created by the liturgy, there are moments for sharing reflections on the weekly readings and shared prayers for others.

After the service, people often linger and chat around the tables in the cafe reflecting on their week or thoughts from the service. Everyone is welcome!

SCC Kids

After a long season through the pandemic that was tough for children and church, we’ve been slowly coming back to prioritizing children. Most Sundays there is a children’s story downstairs. Then parents and other volunteers take the kids up and share stories, art projects, and games will centring around sharing who we are –what makes each of us uniquely ‘us’, and celebrating this together.

If you’re interested in participating in any way, please reach out. I’d certainly love the company! Email

SCC Youth

Our youth (Grade 6 and up) gather together most Thursday evenings at 7pm – sometimes at church and sometimes in homes with Janell and/or Steph. Email Janell to find out what’s going on and get invited to the Facebook group!

We hope to foster a fun and safe space for pre-teens and teens to explore who they are individually and together. And take a crack at learning how to navigate this thing called life…in an open minded and approachable manner, with kindness and humility for others and ourselves. Hopefully by getting to know and encourage each other, we can all find a glimpse of self-empowerment and how we can use our voices and “being” to participate in creating a safer and more inclusive community around us. We’ve been serving suppers at Neighbourhood Works and hosted our own Fundraiser Spaghetti Dinner!

Email Janell

Victoria Street Community Garden

In 2012, we decided to start a community garden. We named it the Victoria Street Community Garden to help ensure it would be a welcoming place for everyone in the community, not just those from SCC. With the help of some grants and lots of hard work from volunteer work parties over the years, we’ve added raised beds, a garden shed, trellises, and a high-tech rain collector from the church roof!

 “Garden beds available – come join us!”

The garden has a perennial border to face the street and eight beds dedicated to grow food for the local food bank. If you’d like to adopt one of the food bank beds (care for it through the growing season), please email

You can also get a better sense of the garden by checking out our Welcome Packet 2022. Or join our Facebook group .

Prayer and Healing Team


At the Victoria Street Centre, at home, or somewhere else.


The purpose of the prayer and healing team is to provide people support, compassion, and a safe place to seek something from God, whether it is healing or otherwise.

What to expect

  • To be listened to by caring people who will offer prayers
  • Two team members will be present, at a minimum
  • What you share is confidential unless there is an indication of danger to self or others
  • To be asked how you would like to be prayed for

 What not to expect

  • Counselling on personal issues
  • Pressure to contrive a spiritual experience
  • Long religious prayers
  • Guarantees on the result you seek
  • Advice contrary to medical professionals

How to meet with the Healing & Prayer team?

  • Email or call Alex at 506-321-1884 to set up a prayer time.
  • Interested in helping the for now ‘virtual’ prayer room? Contact Alex