
Born from Above

Today, for the first time in almost a year, we had a full band provide the music for the service. It was led by Lindsay McKay and it was wonderful. Unfortunately for us, the reason the band came together was to honour Lindsay as she is moving to Alberta to be closer to family. All in all, though, it was a special time, full of beauty and emotion. Peter Fitch gave a message out of John’s Gospel as he continues to look for ways to bring the best parts of Christian devotion and experience into a wider playing field that includes all people of good will. 
Here are the notes to today’s talk.

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Lindsay and Teena created a playlist of an assortment of songs well loved by our community. You can listen on Apple Music or Spotify  . Enjoy! 

Keep checking our Facebook group, St. Croix Church, for all the latest updates. We are also on Instagram as stcroixchurch