
Build Together; Don’t Tear Apart

By May 31, 2020 June 3rd, 2020 No Comments

Although there are times that you do have to stand for something you believe in, even at the cost of unity with others, one of the main encouragements of Scripture is to try to hold the fabric of the community together. In this talk, as in the earlier ones, Peter reads the passage (James 4:1-10) as though it was written to a community rather than to an individual. Once again, understanding it in this way would change the meaning a great deal. 

If you follow SCC Kids on Facebook, there is a new story from Joy!

Lindsay and Teena have created a playlist together of an assortment of songs well loved by our community. You can listen on Apple Music, Spotify  or Google Music. Enjoy! 

Keep checking our Facebook group, St. Croix Church, for all the latest updates. We are also on Instagram as stcroixchurch

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