
More Thoughts on Creativity

By July 9, 2017 May 27th, 2020 No Comments

       July 9

Peter Fitch shares some more thoughts from a Creativity Workshop he prepared for the Artists Gathering in Kimberley, BC, this year. Before Peter speaks, Nate Petersen gives some reflections from a symposium on faith in Canada that he just attended in Ottawa. Then Peter begins by talking about the unlikely meeting place of spiritual and material concerns. In this he shares his longing for a middle ground, the place where the best of Spirit can infuse our ordinary life without some of the traditional problems of normal religion. In particular, he is looking for the benefits of Christianity without its historic problem of exclusivity. Along the way in the creativity talk, we listened to songs by Andrew Smith and Zoe Fitch.

You can listen to the complete (worship and talk) main service


to the SCV podcasts in iTunes.

View the Powerpoint presentation hereFree PowerPoint Viewer
