
The Danger of a Single Story

Today, Rick Coates led us into a beautiful time of worship. This was followed by a poem and a prayer read by Jessica Williams, and a TED talk by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie titled The Danger of a Single Story. After listening to the talk, we reflected on the themes that stood out to us, noting how much we need to seek out a variety of stories (the more the better!) about others, and about ourselves, too. Then we listened to a song by May Erlewine that helped tie it all together. Unfortunately only the first part of the service was recorded, but you can access all of these things through the links provided.


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There is a playlist of an assortment of songs well loved by our community. You can listen on Apple Music or Spotify  . Enjoy! 

Keep checking our Facebook group, St. Croix Church, for all the latest updates. We are also on Instagram as stcroixchurch