
Approaching Heaven

By October 4, 2020 No Comments

We began our church on October 4, 1992, so this was our 28th birthday. We had a full band, something we haven’t done too often during the pandemic, and Peter Fitch spoke about the recovery of tradition. He focused on mosaics in Ravenna and the way the early church blended beauty with meaning. His talk concluded with an invitation to sit as an ancient before the beautiful invitation of the mosaic apse from Sant’ Apollinare de Classe.

Link to notes from talk.

Link to video in talk. 

Subscribe to the SCC  podcasts. (St. Croix Church in Apple Podcasts)

Lindsay and Teena created a playlist of an assortment of songs well loved by our community. You can listen on Apple Music or Spotify  and Google Music. Enjoy! 

Keep checking our Facebook group, St. Croix Church, for all the latest updates. We are also on Instagram as stcroixchurch