This week, special guest, Jonathan Schut from MCC (Mennonite Central Committee), shared a dynamic and creative lesson from Queen Vashti (in the book of Esther) to introduce the importance of truth-telling to organizations like MCC as they work for justice and peace – and he masterfully integrated our theme of the “Roots of Resilience.”
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We were joined today by Passionate Ncube, Atlantic Rep for MCC (Mennonite Central Committee). He encouraged us “not to grow weary in our resistance to injustice.
Rachael asks how we do justice to the complexity of life in the way we hear this Sunday’s lectionary Bible readings and their visionsĀ of “Life In All Its Fullness,” and how we might live into these visions while reconciling them with “Life As It Really Is.”
This week Vic Thiessen continued on the theme of “God’s Dream” with the help of inspiration from U2.