Walter continues in the theme of “Being Human Together” by sharing thoughts from Jung, Romans 7-8, and 1 John on the importance of our getting to know our Shadow so it can be transformed by love and grace and grow up to be a part of our whole personality.
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Rachael shares about the challenge of just being herself, the vulnerability of being honestly, messily human with each other, and how the truth that “we are members of one another” invites us to new ways of being together for the sake of our broken world.
Alternative title: “I Don’t Want To Be Here” courtesy of Raymond Funk. Today, Jess Williams continued our theme “Being Human Together” with a talk of many titles, and two of them made it to the final cut!
Today, as part of our new theme of “Being Human Together,” Walter shared on how music and lament can help us experience our sadness in order to become softer and more connected with others.