At Second Breakfast this week, Jess & Janell reflected on themes of Love & Lament, particularly in response to the the recent US election and the way it will impact our community and world. A time of vulnerable sharing opened up at the end of the service as we grappled with our grief and our desire to “take love seriously” in the days and months ahead.
A few months after inviting us to “Bring Our Shadows to Church,” Walter asks us to face the shadow side of God in order to prevent us from “calling evil good” (like genocide or threats of eternal torment) while also avoiding a naively optimistic minimizing of evil. We could choose to lament and wrestle with the mystery of evil that’s present in God’s Creation while trusting in the Presence of God’s co-suffering love.
Renate responded to this week’s lectionary passages with thoughts on complaining and lamenting in the spirit of “Being Human Together.” She touched on listening to the unspoken lament within our unfiltered grievances and the potential of kvetching to be artful, fun and meaningful when thoughtfully shared with friends.